Our profiles are all based on the same assessment - some involve one set of questions and others require two. Take a look around and let us know if you have questions via the CONTACT form.
Embracing Purpose Profile (Option A) | $15
This profile report was created to accompany the Embracing Purpose Study. Its purpose it to help participants understand more fully their unique talents, temperament and gifting. It helps to define key features of what makes you uniquely you. It includes Character Strengths, Psychological Needs and examples of mild Distress Behavior. I also includes a very brief description of the Process Spiritual Model underlying the family of all Servants by Design materials.
Embracing Purpose Profile - Supplement Only | $7.5
This supplement is a companion to the Embracing Purpose profile. It will deepen your understanding of your unique design and how it interacts with your mission. The profile includes Perceptions (How you view the world?), patterns of Distress that may accompany not getting Psychological Needs met in healthy ways and an Action Plan for recovering from negative behaviors and getting your basic Psychological Needs met in health ways.
Embracing Purpose Profile with Supplement (Option B) | $20
The Embracing Purpose - Complete profile includes Perceptions (How you view the world.), Character Strengths, Psychological Needs, patterns of mild and moderate Distress behaviors, how to identify and address Deceptions that may lead you into negative behaviors when Psychological Needs are not met in healthy ways. It also includes a brief description of the Process Spiritual Model which underlies all Servants by Design materials.
Freed To Be Me Profile | $24.95
You were made with purpose, on purpose. God uniquely designed you to reflect His image to the world in a way that no one else can. As you understand and appreciate who God created you to be, you are freed to live the full life for which you were intended—exchanging shame for joy, discontent for gratitude, and aimlessness for purpose.
Freed To Be Me: Ministry Profile | $35
The Freed to Be Me: Ministry Seminar Edition profile is intended for use as a companion alongside the Freed to Be Me: Ministry Seminar. The Ministry Seminar Edition profile also includes a deeper look at how you have been gifted to serve God and build the kingdom.
Hero or Zero Profile | $19.95
Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to change the world? Do you have the makings of a superhero? The Hero or Zero: Discovering Your Superpowers profile explores how you have been uniquely designed to make a difference in the world. There is no one else like you! In this profile, you’ll learn more about your personal superpowers or Character Strengths.
Men's Fraternity: Your Unique Design | $35
The Your Unique Design™ profile is focused on understanding your strengths as they pertain to finding your fit for service. This profile is used in the Men’s Fraternity III – The Great Adventure™ and is part of the Your Unique Design™ Seminar.
P.E.G.S. Assist Profile | $25
The P.E.G.S. Assist™ provides a comprehensive and concise description of: personal strengths, gifts and talents; preferred way of communicating and viewing the world; environment and organizational structure most conducive to maximizing contributions; motivational factors necessary for continued satisfaction; predictable pattern of negative and self-sabotaging behaviors that will herald early, middle, and late signs of distress, fatigue and burnout; and suggestions for specific actions.
Servants By Design Individual Profile | $25
The Servants By Design Individual Profile is the quickest way to get your inventory results. After taking the 45 question inventory you will receive a downloadable guide to your personality structure. You will be able to read about your God-Given design, explore how you connect with others, set intention to stay motivated, and begin to understand your distress.
Servants By Design Leadership | $25
SBD Leadership covers essential skills from the Process Communication Model (PCM) and key theological insights. Participants will learn that they are uniquely designed by God. This tool will encourage appreciation of all 6 PCM types, which exist in all personalities. Participants will gain key communication skills of assessing behavior, connecting with others, effective motivation, and interventions for distress. This tool can be adapted for many settings and is designed for 7 sessions each 1.5 hours long. Video instruction is available for most sessions.
Your Unique Design Profile | $35
The Your Unique Design™ profile is focused on understanding your strengths as they pertain to finding your place in ministry. This profile is used in the Men’s Fraternity III – The Great Adventure™ and is part of the Your Unique Design™ Seminar.